Parking at Panania Shops is problematic. As a result locals travel to Revesby where parking, particularly at Woolworths, is readily available. This has led to a slow economic decline compounded by the loss of banking services. Panania once had three banks but now has none. A number of years ago Canterbury Bankstown Council carried out road “improvements” at Panania which led to a significant reduction in on street parking. The section of Tower St in front of IGA and Charlies Liquor Barn originally had 7 car parking spots and now has 3. St Christophers Primary School, located adjacent to Panania shops, has no on-site parking which adds to the traffic chaos particularly at school drop off and pick up. The largest public car park is located at the rear of Panania Library, however this is likely to be lost if Council’s plans to demolish the library proceed. This situation will worsen dramatically if Council’s planed rezoning of Panania Shops for 6 stories is approved by the NSW Government.     

The Commonwealth Government has committed $8.3M for a new multi storey commuter car park in Panania. Currently their preferred location is the Weston St carpark immediately adjacent to the rail corridor opposite the Post Office. The selection of this site has failed to account for the disruption construction would have on both traffic movements along Weston St and nearby businesses such as Bisaros Pharmacy. In addition car parking would be lost during the construction period and costs would be higher due to the linear nature of the site and the need to relocate power infrastructure.

The ideal location for the new multi storey commuter car park is the current council car park in Tower St opposite St Christophers. A 4 storey carpark here would increase parking capacity from 52 spots to 200. The site also has the benefit of dual access via a laneway linking Tower St and Sherlock Ave. A roof on the fourth storey would protect commuters from the weather and could be fitted with solar panels connected to a battery bestowing the secondary function of renewable power station. Free electric charging stations would provide another reason for people to use the car park and an opportunity to spend money at local businesses. Quality public toilets so badly needed in Panania should be included, especially beneficial given the car parks proximity to St Christophers.

The Tower St site has the added benefit that after work commuters could disembark their train and stroll through Panania shops providing further opportunities to spend money at local businesses by picking up a bottle of wine or something for diner.

I have spoken with residents whose properties back on to the Revesby commuter car park who were never consulted prior to construction and have had their amenity significantly diminished due to a loss of privacy and the impact of light pollution 24/7. These impacts are likely to be much worse now the NSW Government has increased the height of the car park from 4 to 7 stories. To avoid these mistakes being repeated at Panania the Government should offer affected residents the option to sell their homes at 20% above market value. Other incentives should include the waiver of stamp duty on any subsequent purchase and allowing residents to remain in their properties rent free until commencement of construction. Further support should include payment of legal fees and the cost of removalists.

The purchase of properties adjacent to the Tower St site would allow for temporary parking during the construction period. It would also provide for the storage of construction materials, plant and site sheds, minimising disruption and maximising public safety. Upon completion this space should be transformed into a community garden planted with locally native flora such as Bamboo grass and Cheese trees eminently suited for a landscape actively used by young children. Stormwater should be retained on site and used for flushing toilets, ponds and other water features. A small community hall should be included providing for events such as children’s birthday parties. The dual access along Robyn Lane would allow parents to drop off their children to be met by teachers and safely accompanied across Tower St into school.

One wall of the car park should be able to be used as an outdoor cinema screen in order that free movies be screened. The Bryan Brown Film Festival to be held during the winter months when darkness descends earlier in the evening would further reinforce the economic and social fabric of Panania.

A caretaker’s cottage should be constructed and a caretaker employed to look after the community garden and keep the car park and toilets clean. The presence of a caretaker would also provide locals with an enhanced sense of security.